Hard Skills Will Get You An Interview, Foundational Skills Will Help You Get The Job
Life consists of choices. You are in control of the development of your foundational skills because they result from your sensible decisions to behave or not to behave in certain ways. If you plan to enter the workforce, you will need to be hired. If you want to be hired, you must help potential employers form the impression that you are someone who will be a motivated, enthusiastic, committed, goal-oriented and talented employee who will come to work on time each day prepared to use both your strong interpersonal and critical-thinking skills to perform your job in a competent, productive, and positive manner. The best way to make this happen is to take full advantage of the program provided by the Lifeforce Development Institute.
What will the Individual LDI Scholarships Provide to you?
Launch My Future, as the phrase suggests, is an intensive, accelerated training program designed to move you in a new life direction. The program is 100% scholarship based, and it includes Job/Career Readiness-based training curriculum.
Currently, the Rockford Housing Authority offers $499.00 in individual scholarships for the Lifeforce Development Institute’s Pre-employment-based training program to RHA Clients and Rockford Residents.
What does an employer look for in you?
The best way an employer can determine your ability to help their company is by looking at your hard and foundational skills. foundational skills are sometimes referred to as transferable skills or professional skills. Employers are looking to find someone who will help them grow and increase the overall success of their organization. By developing the foundational skill understanding that can be you.
Employability skills are Non-Technical Skills necessary for your success in the workplace. They are more of your “people” skills. They are normally related to your behavior and personality traits. These skills are recognized as needed in a variety of jobs. When you look at hard skills, on the other hand, these are the ones that generally are listed in the job postings or job descriptions in the local paper or online. Employability skills determine our success in all areas of life.
What does an employer look for in you?
The best way an employer can determine your ability to help their company is by looking at your hard and foundational skills. foundational skills are sometimes referred to as transferable skills or professional skills. Employers are looking to find someone who will help them grow and increase the overall success of their organization. By developing the foundational skill understanding that can be you.
Employability skills are Non-Technical Skills necessary for your success in the workplace. They are more of your “people” skills. They are normally related to your behavior and personality traits. These skills are recognized as needed in a variety of jobs. When you look at hard skills, on the other hand, these are the ones that generally are listed in the job postings or job descriptions in the local paper or online. Employability skills determine our success in all areas of life.
Frequently Asked Questions
The LDI Program provides employability skills training and participants will be more equipped to secure and maintain employment. LDI Graduates will earn a certificate, the LDI Workforce Readiness Certificate. This certificate is recognized by local employers and can give you an advantage in being hired or promoted.
Go to our Registration Page, click the “APPLY FOR LDI HERE” button, and fill out the form to be put on the registration list.
When you enroll in LDI, you commit to showing up on time, dressing appropriately, actively participating in class, completing assignments, and attending class with a positive attitude, etc. You will be asked to sign a Participation Agreement that you understand the program’s expectations.
LDI is a 12-week, 108-hour course on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays from 9 am-Noon.
We do provide transportation within a 10-mile radius.
LDI will work closely with you throughout the program to ensure you have available employment opportunities that match your career goals.
Contact us today!
If you have any other questions,
feel free to send them to us by
filling out our contact form or
by email or calling the
number below.
LDI Dean,
Carandus Brown
[email protected]